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Time In My Kitchen

I grew up the oldest of four siblings.  Until I got married & left home at the "ripe old age" of 17 (gasp) I was for the most part in charge of the evening meal. For me, the most difficult part of cooking meals after we were married was trying to adjust from cooking for a family of five, to planning and cooking for just the two of us.  Lucky for me, my husband packed a lunch for work, and always enjoyed left-overs!

For the last 35 years (give or take) I've had my time-and hands full cooking for our family.  With 12 children there's not been a lack of mouths to feed. Add boy-friends and company, extended family gatherings and I honestly find it easier to cook for a crowd than I do two.  These days we once again come under the title of a "small family" as we only have the last two living at home. We've down-sized our dining room table, moving our large harvest table to another spot for when we have company.

Stay tuned for some of my Kitchen favorites!

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